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Read some of our patient testimonials.


Henry saw my daughter when she started Year 8. Since a young age, I had noticed various little differences between her and her siblings and peers. None of these were significant enough to require any interventions by her school. She struggled with spelling (wasn’t dyslexic), her coordination wasn’t great and she was always tired when coming home from school. She worked very hard at school and wasn’t achieving results that reflected this. This began to affect her confidence and she was feeling a bit despondent.  I knew something wasn’t quite working for her. After a conversation with her English teacher, I decided to get an Educational Psychologist report to see if there was anything showing and a Visual Processing Disorder was diagnosed.
We decided to see Henry as I had heard how Vision Therapists can help with Visual Processing Disorders. Henry has been nothing short of amazing. On the first session, my daughter struggled to stay in the room for the hour as her eyes hurt. Henry was incredibly patient, understanding and was able to empathise with her in such a way that she finally felt understood. We left with new glasses and a set of visual and floor exercises. Within four weeks she was like a different person. Her school work improved dramatically and she was less tired returning home from school each day. We continued to see Henry once a month for six months. Not only did she start enjoying school more but after the end of year exams, she was awarded the English achievement award.  I now tell everyone about Henry.  His input into my daughter’s life has transformed her experience at school beyond measure. The school have even asked if Henry can come in to talk with them about the work he does – they’ve seen it work first hand! We are immensely grateful and just so pleased that we found him and I booked the appointment that day.

Anne & Ashley Smith

After 3 years at primary school, our son was still struggling to read even basic, high-frequency words.  We tried an online reading course (called EasyRead), and although this helped, his reading still didn’t take-off.  EasyRead identified early-on that he had poor eye tracking, and when this did not respond to the exercises they prescribed, they advised us to consult a Behavioural Ophthalmologist – so we found our way to Henry.
Henry’s holistic approach has worked wonders! 
Henry identified that as well as having multiple defects in his visual system, our son also had difficulties with balance, gross motor skills, rhythm, and concentration; and an inability to sit still.  We were aware of some of this – his hyperactivity and his frequently challenging behavior – but had not thought this could be improved other than by waiting for him to grow up.  Through Henry’s therapy programme all of these issues have reduced markedly. 
Henry fine-tuned the exercises at each visit so make sure the progress continued.
It was only after significant improvements in our son’s ability to focus on a task, and tolerate repetition, that he was ready for the discipline of specific eye exercises, which have enabled him to see, and so to read, much better.
Not only has our son’s reading dramatically improved, but his communication skills have changed massively too.  Our son had been slow to develop language skills.  Speech therapy helped, but since following Henry’s therapy programme, there have been dramatic improvements in his fluency and vocabulary.  He now enjoys puns and making up rhymes, and is starting to choose his words to convey an atmosphere as well as a meaning.
He recently thanked us for taking him to Henry - he told us he was now able to pick out our car from a distance whereas before, he wouldn’t have been able to pick out the colour.
I am really glad we found Henry.
Thank you so much!
Anne & Ashley Smith

K Marks

I am a 38-year-old and I was told there is no help for me. I was born with a lazy eye and very poor vision in my right eye. My left eye has a fantastic vision. I wasn't fully aware of this condition as a child as it never stopped me from succeeding at school. I have developed a squint in my early 20s and when I was 30 I had a squint operation. It did help with the position of the eye but the operation wasn't as successful as I would have hoped for. Having still got a slight squint really affected my confidence. I would avoid going out, meeting new people, especially in the evening as my eye was getting tired and squint was more noticeable. Any stress, sleepless night (especially when kids were younger) would have a bad effect on my eye. I suffered with occasional headaches and pain at the back of the poor eye.  I never enjoyed driving either.  I came across Mr Kahan after doing research on the internet. He was very happy to help me. He explained at the beginning that he won’t be able to improve the vision in my right eye but he can still help me with the position of the eye. I have been exercising every day for 20 minutes for 6 months. Just after the first week of exercise, I have noticed the difference. My eyesight felt really fresh. After another few weeks, my squint was hardly noticeable. It doesn't really matter if I have a good night sleep or not as I don't get a pain in my eye anymore. It can also work in front of the computer for longer periods of time.  I am a changed, happy, confident person who has her social life back. I wish vision therapy was more known to people and more advertised.  My only regret is that I haven't done the therapy sooner. I would like to thanks Mr Kahan for believing in me and really changing my life.  


K Marks

Mrs Sheppard

My daughter seemed to make a good start with her reading in Reception but it was soon clear to me that she wasn't progressing as she should. Her teachers didn't seem to pick up on the problem but by the beginning of Year 3, I realised she was cheating in all her assessments in an attempt to disguise the fact that she really was struggling with her reading and didn't want to be found out. In fact, she lived in fear of people discovering that she couldn't read, so much so that she was having night terrors and her behaviour was deteriorating. She claimed words flashed, that she saw double of things when reading, and yet a high street optician could find nothing wrong with her eyesight, and the SEN coordinator at school could find no obvious signs of dyslexia.
In desperation and after extensive google-searching, I came across Mr Kahan. And I believe it has been the best thing that ever happened to my daughter. He did extensive tests on her and realised exactly what her problems were. He then gave her bi-focal glasses and a coloured overlay, explained that she had eye-tracking problems and retained reflexes (probably due to the glue ear she suffered as a baby and toddler), and said he believed he could cure her after 10 sessions of therapy. The glasses and overlays made a huge difference and she suddenly started being able to read in her head, comprehending at the same time. After 8 sessions she no longer needed the glasses or overlays and now she is rapidly catching up with her classmates, is on the top table for writing and second table for reading and has become much more confident as a result.
I cannot recommend Mr Kahan highly enough. What he did was nothing short of miraculous and my daughter will now fulfil the potential I always believed she had, thanks to his therapy, techniques and expertise.

All best wishes
Mrs Sheppard

Mrs C Singer

Dear Mr Kahan
I would like to thank you for your service/expertise. Yossi really gained a lot from you. He is reading better and concentrating well. He is on the whole a much calmer person.
May you have continued success in whatever you do.
All the best
Mrs C Singer

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Why choose H Kahan Opticians?


H Kahan Opticians

H Kahan Opticians
Ravenscroft Healthcare Suite
166A Golders Green Road
NW11 8BB

E-mail  info@visiontherapylondon.co.uk

Contact Telephone  020 8455 8883

Opening Hours


09:30am - 05:30pm


10:00am - 06:30pm


09:30am - 05:30pm


09:30am - 05:30pm


09:30am - 04:30pm




11:00am - 02:00pm

Please enquire for appointments outside of these hours.