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Read some of our patient testimonials.

Uther Hendrickse

I am amazed at the results that Mr Kahan has achieved with Uther. Prior to this course of treatment, Uther was very uncoordinated, easily distracted and unable to cope with schoolwork and sports. Over the past few years he has come along steadily using the programme of exercises taught to us by Mr Kahan and I was recently amazed to see him playing in goal and actually scoring goals! Prior to his being assessed by Mr Kahan I was at the end of my tether and could not identify what the problem was or how to deal with it. Understanding the complication caused by neurological developmental delays and poor vision function has helped me to understand my son so much better.


R. Sandler

About seven years ago was my first introduction to Mr Kahan. I had been struggling immensely in school in both maths and Chumash, whilst I excelled in English and Humanities my mathematical and Kodesh skills were far behind those of my other classmates. Basic concepts most children understood from Year 2 I couldn't even follow. When it came to applying to high schools, these set backs came up in every interview. One school that I applied to even considered putting me in the special needs unit. My parents were introduced to Mr Kahan and from that day on things began to change.


Mr Kahan began to work with me. The first couple of sessions were really long, frustrating and immensely exhausting. The various exercises he got me to do seemed at times completely pointless and I felt like a fool. Yet Mr Kahan remained calm throughout always encouraging, always pushing me that one extra step. Slowly we began to see results. The "strange" work that he did with me began to make a significant change on my life. At first the changes were small, but slowly my confidence grew and my abilities grew. Hours of exercises, one on one sessions and constant work meant that I began to see the fruits of our labour pay off. Now almost eight years down the line, with Mr Kahan incredible scheme, patience and understanding I have achieved what seemed the impossible. In Maths GCSE I achieved a high B grade when I was predicted that I would never get more then a D. My Gemora and Chumash skills have excelled tremendously with me performing on par with some of the top students in my year. Last week I sat a farher for one of the top yeshivas and I got in. All this would have been impossible without the work Mr Kahan did with me. I am a true testament to what he can achieve. It is possible!! I am forever indebted to Mr Kahan, he has changed my life forever.

Noah Le Berre

My son, Noah, was referred at 9 years to MR Kahan by the Occupational Therapist. He had been diagnosed with dyspraxia with very low abilities around his areas of balance, catching, and visual tracking. He had also earlier been diagnosed with dyslexia, with massive discrepancies between his verbal reasoning and his visual memory. Despite these difficulties, Noah was very high functioning, very bright, and read well! He was nevertheless on the SEN register at school because it was felt he was not reaching his full potential.


Me Kahan performed an eye test, and prescribed lenses which instantly stopped the migraines Noah had from reading. He also got Noah to perform a few simple exercises that instantly revealed how Noah’s body was not behaving in a naturally coordinated manner.


WE then embarked on a series of simple exercises, done daily, around the areas of peripheral vision, tracking and co-ordination. These had an instantaneous effect! The visual effect was dramatic: Noah was able to make eye contact, focus for longer, and his memory improved! At times the “Instant hardwiring” effect was almost overwhelming, and we felt that something fundamental was happening to Noah’s brain.


We used simple clapping, rhythmic exercises to internalise things like spelling or times tables, and Noah’s sequential memory suddenly kicked into gear.


These were coupled with simple movement exercises that joined breathing to movement, becoming slightly more involved as time progressed. One could easily see movements that initially Noah could only co-ordinate with extreme conscious effort, become organic and natural with time.


We performed this system for less than 6 months, seeing Mr Kahan about 6 times in this period. At the end of this, Noah’s improvement was so marked. He could play football, catch, remember times tables, read for long periods, stop panicking about remembering and performing lists of instructions, that we decided not to go ahead with the course of 12 occupational therapy sessions, and Noah was removed from the SEN register.


I have been praising Me Kahan’s methods to the skies ever since! It was a quite extra ordinary, healing and beautiful intervention into the life of a little boy, who’s developmental delays were really holding him back and frustrating him.

Catherine Clayton

Joshua started to improve slowly, but the improvement was quite dramatic.  It started when Joshua could suddenly ride a bicycle – for a number of years he just was not able to - then after seeing Mr Kahan he could.  Then his grades improved and he started to be able to read and more importantly, enjoy it.  He now has very few problems at school.  I was very cynical at first but feel Mr Kahan’s work made a big difference.

Hannah Viner

My daughter was a good student with no problems at school but just occasionally things did not always add up.  Test results did not always match her teacher’s expectations.

For me the most important anomaly was that she didn’t read of her own volition.   I finally took her to an educational psychologist to see why things didn’t quite add up.  She pointed out a problem with her ability to visually line things up and pointed me in the direction of Mr Kahan.


First of all, Mr Kahan dealt with my daughter as a whole – he quickly, using numerous tests, worked at her problems but did not begin treating these problems in isolation.  He also gave her tremendous confidence.  The exercises he gave us to work on were fully explained to her and fun!  Mostly she enjoyed doing them and they immediately made a huge difference to her on many levels.  She relaxed in many situations where before she hadn’t and she began to read.  The frustration, which I had assumed was just part of her character, reduced tremendously. 


She is really pleased and describes what happened as ‘being helped to start reading again’.

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Why choose H Kahan Opticians?


H Kahan Opticians

H Kahan Opticians
Ravenscroft Healthcare Suite
166A Golders Green Road
NW11 8BB

E-mail  info@visiontherapylondon.co.uk

Contact Telephone  020 8455 8883

Opening Hours


09:30am - 05:30pm


10:00am - 06:30pm


09:30am - 05:30pm


09:30am - 05:30pm


09:30am - 04:30pm




11:00am - 02:00pm

Please enquire for appointments outside of these hours.